Berichte und Fotos rund um meine Zeit in Toulouse

Schön, dass ihr hier seid!

Leider ist meine Zeit im Süden Frankreichs vorbei. Nun warten neue Abendteuer.

Ich habe mir viel Mühe gegeben, Euch immer auf den laufenden zu halten. Links in der Auswahlleiste seht ihr (immer das Neuste oben), was ich erlebt habe. Klickt euch einfach durch.

Viel Spass dabei!


Great that you are here!

Unfortunatly my time in the south of France is over. Now new adventures waiting.

I tried hard to give you a lots of input about my time there. On the left hand side in the Menu selection (the newest things on the top) you have a list of all my stories. When you click there you will find the german version at first. Scroll down and you can read the english text. Click through it and enjoy!

Quelle: GoogleMaps


Ben Hallwood … 19.06.2009




It is a shame that You had to go. I will miss You very much. It is a pleasure for me to got to know You! You leave a scarf in my heart.

I am with You. Rest in Peace.

Love, Franzi

To Your family and friends my sincere condolence.

Katzi …20.05.2010


Miss you my little one. You were wonderful!

Und so ist das Wetter in meiner Ex-Heimat: